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DIY Non-Toxic Dry Shampoo

This is one of those DIYs thats so simple you'll be questioning why you ever bought store bought dry shampoo!


Not only does it work like a charm, it's non-toxic, better for your scalp, and encourages healthy hair growth with the addition of (optional) peppermint and rosemary essential oil.

Store bought dry-shampoo can be loaded with chemicals, some of which have even been linked to cancer. 


Washing your hair too much can actually strip the scalp of naturally producing oils, telling the hair/body to create more oils to protect itself! Dry shampoo is the perfect 10 second fix for those days between washings or post gym!


Make Time: 5min


1/4 cup arrowroot powder

1/4 cup cornstarch

1 teaspoon baking soda

Empty spice jar with sifter lid


Dark Hair: Unsweetened Cocoa powder

1 tbsp kaolin clay

4 drops of rosemary essential oil

4 drops of peppermint essential oil


To Make:

Combine all powder ingredients into a bowl and stir to combine. For darker hair, simply add cocoa powder until you've reached your desired color. Add 4 drops of rosemary essential oil and 4 drops of peppermint and make sure to smoosh the oils into the powder until they are well incorporated. 

Jar it up into an empty, clean spice jar with a sifter lid. 


To Use:

Tap a small amount onto scalp where roots are looking greasy and work into the scalp with your fingertips.

Store in a cool, dry place. 


It's that simple, you'll never want to go back to store bought again!

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